Allseeds Investments in the TOP agrarian investments of Ukraine


Over the past five years in Ukraine the TOP-10 investments in the agrarian sector included: MHP - (second production line of Vinnitsa poultry farm) - $ 300 million; ALLSEEDS - (multiseeds Oilseed Processing Plant in the Sea port Yuzhny, Odessa region) - $ 200 million; NIBULON - (two transshipment terminals for grains and oilseeds: Khortytsya branch and Golopristanskaya branch) - $ 200 million;

As well as:

BAYER - (seed plant) - $ 200 million;
BUNGE - (oil-extraction plant and transshipment complex in the Nikolaev sea port) - $ 180 million;
M.V. CARGO - (grain terminal in the sea port Yuzhny,  Odessa region) - $ 150 million;
COFCO Agri Ukraine - (grain terminal in the Nikolaev sea port) - $ 75 million;
RISOIL S.A. - (grain terminal in the Chоrnomors’k sea port) - $ 70 million;
ASTARTA-Kiev – (3 elevators in the Poltava region) - $ 36 million;
AGROFUSION - (3-rd tomato processing plant) - $ 35.4 million;

Press Center according to Latifundist
