Allseeds Group pays special attention to the constant confirmation of the quality of its products and production as factors of competitiveness in the markets.
The company is constantly improving activities aimed at the production of safe products of consistently high quality through the application of the requirements of international standards for process, client and risk-oriented quality and food safety management, effective monitoring, data analysis and decision-making at all levels of the management cycle that can ensure implementation the company strategies.
In May 2020, the Allseeds Vegetable Oils Terminal successfully passed re-certification for compliance with the requirements of the new international standard ISO 22000: 2018 “Food Safety Management Systems - Requirements for Organizations Participating in the Food Production Chain”, which is confirmed by certificates of the certification authority DQS CFS GmbH - as a structural unit of DQS Holding. GmbH No. 31400073 FSMS2018 dated 05/30/2020 and the IQNet - International Certification Network Association, registration number: DE-31400073 FSMS2018».
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