

For half a year Terminal of vegetable oils Allseeds Black Sea has accepted 265 ths. tons of vegetable oil, therefrom 90 ths. tons were accepted via railway and 175 ths.tons from trucks. The total transshipped volume for the period is 252 ths. tons of vegetable oil.


On April 1, 2014, Allseeds obtained a permit for the construction of the 4th


In 2013 Terminal Allseeds Black Sea has accepted 121 ths. tons of vegetable oil, therefrom 43 ths. tons were accepted via railway and 78 ths.tons from trucks. The total transshipped volume for the period is 111 ths. tons of vegetable oil.


On October 3, 2014, as a part of the International Business Forim "Forum Odessa FDI. Focus 2014: Agro", with support of the Embassy of the Kingdom  of the Netherlands in Ukraine, the Dutch business mission visited the Terminal Allseeds.


On July 20, 2013 Allseeds Black Sea Terminal loaded its first vessel, MT Cevdet A shipped 8 000 MT of crude sunflower oil to Italy. 

Press center


On July 11, 2013 Allseeds started its vegetable oil transshipment terminal as the first stage of its investment project in Yuzhny port.


On July 2, 2013 Terminal Allseeds Black Sea was HACCP certified.


Nofalab branch laboratory located at Vegetable oil Terminal Allseeds Black Sea obtained a new Accreditation Certificate under ISO 17025 issued by the National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine.